Beginning in FY2020, Texas programming shifted focus to community- and societal- level approaches; evaluation tools were modified to reflect this shift. This means that Texas will be monitoring and collecting more state- and community-level data instead of focusing heavily on individual-level data collected from program participants. Data collection requirements are outlined below.


Community Data Collection

The Texas Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) program will collect data about individuals and the community through a Community Survey.

In FY24, each grantee is required to distribute the Community Survey to all individuals participating in RPE programming and make it available to the wider community, as appropriate. Grantees are encouraged to engage program participants in survey distribution. The purpose of the survey is to collect the population of focus’s individual experiences and their perceptions of the status of Texas selected risk and protective factors within their specific community.

Below you will find a link to the Community Data Collection Guide, which includes a Media Materials appendix with optional distribution materials. All media materials may be downloaded using the buttons in the Media Materials section below.


All media materials are outlined in Appendix 2 - Media Materials of the Community Data Collection Guide above.

Program Specific Data Collection

All grantees must begin administering the program-specific evaluation tool(s) that came with their program if:

The program is a curriculum and you are implementing all sessions as prescribed by the program – either in-person or virtually. This applies to Be Strong; Coaching Boys into Men; Live Respect; and Second Step; or
The program is not a curriculum and you are implementing all steps as prescribed by the program. This applies to Close to Home.
The following programs do not have specific evaluation tools included in their program: Bringing in the Bystander and MVP Strategies.

For guidance on how to collect participant data online or which survey platform may be best for your program, please refer to the Resource Toolkit for Online Program-Specific Data Collection & Evaluation.

While you will not report on these program-level participant outcomes to the OAG via the Quarterly Reporting System, you are required to record and retain this information. The OAG may require grantees to submit de-identified program-level evaluation data at any time during the funding period. Grantees are encouraged to use the collected program-specific evaluation data for program improvement.